Dealing with Sadness: Words of Wisdom for People on the Autism Spectrum
~~ If you don't find any joy in the winter's snowfall, you'll have less joy in your life, but the same amount of snow.
~~ You can't protect yourself from sorrow without protecting yourself from contentment.
~~ If the sun shined all the time, you would lose your enjoyment and gratitude for bright days.
~~ Light after the darkness is the best kind of light.
~~ The earth wasn't put here to promote human agony.
~~ Strong emotional muscles can't be developed in ease and quiet. Only through suffering can happiness and success be achieved.
~~ If you were as fond of counting your blessing as you are of counting your troubles, you would discover that life has been pretty good to you in spite of your opinion about it.
~~ Taking life too seriously is the best way to maintain sadness.
~~ Taking other's behavior too personally is the best way to maintain your delusions.
~~ If you can walk and talk, then your life is 100 times better than 5.6 million people in the U.S. alone.